Sociology of the new time (on the new dictionary by S.A. Kravchenko)
Rubric: Reflecting on matters in print
For citation:
Korotetskaya L.V. Sociology of the new time (on the new dictionary by S.A. Kravchenko) . – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No. 3
This rapid response to the latest publication, or, to be specifically exact, this rapid review of the “Dictionary of the Newest Sociological Lexicon” compiled by S.A. Kravchenko [Кравченко С.А. Словарь новейшей социологической лексики: теории, понятия, персоналии (с английскими эквивалентами). М., 2012. 000 с.], raises questions pertaining to the contemporary condition of the world sociology. The reviewer points to theoretical and practical significance of the newly published dictionary for a broad circle of readers. And besides, the reviewer notes, in particular, that the new publication is fit not only to serve as a reference book, but also to take upon itself certain functions of a manual.
S.A. Kravchenko; sociology; lexicon; dictionary; temporality; time; social memory.
Content No. 3, 2012
See also:
Lebedeva M.M.,
Food as a Mirror of Global Political Development. – Polis. Political Studies. 2015. No2
Korotetskaya L.V.,
Particular features of the intellectual patriotic discourse in Germany of the 1990s. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No1
Zarubina N.N., Noskova A.V.,
Images of Russia: Reflecting on the Eras of Change. – Polis. Political Studies. 2019. No2
Noskova A.V.,
Complex society in Sergey Kravchenko’s eyes. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No3
Kharkevich M.V.,
Overcoming the apocalypse in the pluralistic space of poetics and politics. – Polis. Political Studies. 2024. No2