Characteristics of political process and political structures on the african continent
Rubric: Orbis terrarum
For citation:
Emelyanov A.L. Characteristics of political process and political structures on the african continent . – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No. 1
The author familiarizes readers in detail with the seamy side of political process on the Dark Continent. He introduces the term “imitative democracy”, which stands for a result of transformation of foreign culture innovations through their interaction with traditional norms and values. Analyzed in the article are reasons for structural political crisis in Africa, specifics of functioning and interaction of elites, leaders, parliaments, army, political parties and organizations, opposition and traditional power institutions.
Africa; democracy; authoritarianism; leadership; political parties; parliament; army.
Content No. 1, 2013
See also:
Brown A.,
Political Leadership and Political Power. – Polis. Political Studies. 2016. No1
Oganisyan Yu.S.,
Socialism as the first stage of capitalism. Post-soviet Russia’s experience. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No3
Gelman V.Ya.,
Political Parties in Russia: from Competition – to Hierarchy. – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No5
Mirsky G.I.,
Authoritarianism and Democracy: Two Models?. – Polis. Political Studies. 1996. No6
Smorgunov L.V.,
Network political parties. – Polis. Political Studies. 2014. No4