To Break out of the “Bermudas Triangle”: On Methodology of the Research of Post-Communist Transformations

To Break out of the “Bermudas Triangle”: On Methodology of the Research of Post-Communist Transformations

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2002.06.07

For citation:

Yeliseyev S.M. To Break out of the “Bermudas Triangle”: On Methodology of the Research of Post-Communist Transformations . – Polis. Political Studies. 2002. No. 6.


Pointing out a methodological crisis in the studies of post-communism, the author attempts to trace a way out of this "Bermudas triangle", i.e. of this "sense vacuum". One of promising strategies he perceives in cross-regional comparisons of the processes of post-communist transformations. Neoinstitutionalism appears to him the interdisciplinary paradigm of comparative studies of these transformations. Problems of institutional efficiency and legitimacy of electoral and party systems, as well as stages of their legitimation are discussed; contradictions are analyzed between the technology of establishing political organizations and their purposes; and, finally, the role is discussed of parties of different types, as well as of a whole party system's institutionalization, in the consolidation of democracy.

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Content No. 6, 2002

See also:

Kovalev V.A., Shabayev Yu.P.,
Ethnicity and Fellow-Citizenship (Ethno-National Movements in Finno-Ugrian Regions of the Russian Federation). – Polis. Political Studies. 2004. No4

Ashikhmina Ya.G., Panov P.V., Podvintzev O.B.,
On Criteria of Elections Estimation. – Polis. Political Studies. 2004. No4

Streltzina M.M.,
Institutional Conditions of Setting Up Governmental Departments in Russia and in the USA (With Russia’s Emergency Situations Ministry and the U.S. Homeland Security Department as Example). – Polis. Political Studies. 2004. No4

Khlopin A.D.,
Deformalization of Rules: Cause or Consequence of Institutional Traps?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2004. No6

Panov P.V.,
Alteration of Electoral Institutions in Russia (Cross-Regional Analysis). – Polis. Political Studies. 2004. No6

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