Lord of the Air
Neklessa A.I.,
Chairman of the Commission on the social and cultural globalization; member of the Bureau of the Scientific Council “History of World Culture” at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS); Head of the Laboratory for Geo-economic Analysis, Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, neklessa@intelros.ru
elibrary_id: 74629 |
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2003.03.13
Neklessa A.I. Lord of the Air . – Polis. Political Studies. 2003. No. 3. https://doi.org/10.17976/jpps/2003.03.13
The article presents the author’s interpretation of the contemporary world as some unidentified reality, a diachronically limitrophe entity unifying in itself that very Atlantis of Modernity that has already sunken into oblivion, on the one hand, and the novelty of the rapidly expanding social cosmos, on the other. As a manifestation of such limitrophe condition the author cites the phenomenon of globalization conceived as the physical limit to the flood of the anthropostream, as the exhaustion, by the latter, of earth’s surface with the whole of its resources. The reality we are now dwelling in, is characterized by the author as postindustrial partition: locus of the confusion and superposition of a number of determinant features of the two basic historical intentions — globalization and individualization, of their numerous chimerical (syncretic) and quite often inwardly contradictory forms. Hyperpersonality and new terrorism, “ambitious corporations” and asteroid groups, “globalization of corporations” and the movement for alternative globalization, the net culture and the autarchic concept of the “golden billion” — all these are, from his point of view, inalienable elements of the scenery presenting the battle for the future now in full swing on the planet.
See also:
Oganisyan Yu.S.,
Phenomenon of Totalitarianism: Exit to the Twenty-First Century. – Polis. Political Studies. 2020. No2
Rogozhina K.A.,
Russian Choice: from What Is Probable to What Is Obvious?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2004. No1
Yanov A.L.,
Slavophiles and Foreign Politics of Russia in the 19th Century.. – Polis. Political Studies. 1998. No6
Ufimtzev V.V.,
But Has There Been Any Choice? 165. – Polis. Political Studies. 2003. No4
Krasin Yu.A.,
Metamorphoses of Democracy in the Changing World. – Polis. Political Studies. 2006. No4