Political Science in Russia:
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Materials of a Scholarly Seminar)
Smirnov V.V., wvsmirnov@gmail.comIlyin M.V.,
Dr. Sci. (Polit. Sci.), Principal Researcher, INION RAN; Professor, HSE University, Moscow, Russia, mikhaililyin48@gmail.com
elibrary_id: 1332 | ORCID: 0000-0001-6278-374X | RESEARCHER_ID: K-1361-2015
Vorobyov D.M.Burlatzky F.M.Tumanov V.A.Galkin A.A.,
Tumanov V.A.Galkin A.A.,
Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, honorary Dr. of Institute of Sociology, RAS, galkin_a.a@mail.ru
Kholodkovskii K.G.,
Principal Researcher, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences, holgrig@mail.ru
elibrary_id: 72944 |
Yegorov V.K.Peregudov S.P., peregood1@rambler.ruNikitin A.I.,
Nikitin A.I.,
Dr. Sci. (Polit. Sci.), Director, Center for Euro-Atlantic Security, MGIMO University; Principal Research Fellow, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor, HSE University, Moscow, Russia, an@inno.mgimo.ru
elibrary_id: 637132 | ORCID: 0000-0003-3509-6893 | RESEARCHER_ID: O-6521-2015
Alekseyeva T.A.,
Prof., Head of Political Theory Department, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), MFA of Russia. Moscow, Russia, ataleks@mail.ru
elibrary_id: 1361 |
Levin I.B.
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2006.01.11
Smirnov V.V., Ilyin M.V., Vorobyov D.M., Burlatzky F.M., Tumanov V.A., Galkin A.A., Kholodkovskii K.G., Yegorov V.K., Peregudov S.P., Nikitin A.I., Alekseyeva T.A., Levin I.B. Political Science in Russia: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Materials of a Scholarly Seminar) . – Polis. Political Studies. 2006. No. 1. https://doi.org/10.17976/jpps/2006.01.11
In this issue of the journal, we acquaint our readers with an abridged version of the shorthand record of a scholarly seminar on history, modern problems, and prospects of the development of our country's political science, held on December 8, 2005, in Moscow. Participants of the discussion were: T.A.Alekseyeva (Moscow State Institute of International Relations) (MSIIR), F.M.Burlatzky (Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences) (ISL RAS), D.M.Vorobyov (the Polis journal), A.A.Galkin (Institute of Sociology, RAS), V.K.Yegorov (Science Organization Department of the RAS), M.V.Ilyin (MSIIR), I.B.Levin (Institute of World Economy and International Relations) (IWEIR RAS), A.I.Nikitin (MSIIR), S.P.Peregudov (IWEIR RAS), V.A.Tumanov (ISL RAS), K.G.Kholodkovsky (IWEIR RAS) e.a. The seminar was presided over by V.V.Smirnov, Vice-President, International Political Science Association.