Trends of the Transformation of Power Relations in the World Politics:
Smart Power?
Rubric: Reflecting on matters in print
For citation:
Stoletov O.V. Trends of the Transformation of Power Relations in the World Politics: Smart Power? – Polis. Political Studies. 2009. No. 4
The author considers in his article the main ideas of the report by J.Nye and R.Armitage for the Center of Strategic and International Studies, in which a new political-science concept of “smart power” was proposed. Conceptual and politico-practical contents of the “smart power” of a state is presented in the article, its basic structural components revealed.
Content No. 4, 2009
See also:
The Orange revolution: «People’s revolution» or Revolutionary coup?. – Polis. Political Studies. 2010. No2
Gallarotti G.M.,
How to Measure Soft Power in International Relations. – Polis. Political Studies. 2020. No1
Peregudov S.P.,
National-state identity and the problems of the russian state’s consolidation. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No3
Dagbaev E.D.,
Regions and new eastern policy of Russia. – Polis. Political Studies. 2015. No1
Kiselyov I.Yu.,
The Images of States in International Relations: Mechanisms of Transformation. – Polis. Political Studies. 2003. No3