Russian political elite: analysis from the perspective of the human capital concept

Russian political elite: analysis from the perspective of the human capital concept

Selezneva A.V.,

Dr. Sci. (Pol. Sci.), Lecturer of the Chair of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Faculty of Political Science, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,

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Rogozar-Kolpakova I.I.

Filistovich Ye.S.

Trofimova V.V.

Dobrynina Ye.P.,

Streletz I.E.

For citation:

Selezneva A.V., Rogozar-Kolpakova I.I., Filistovich Ye.S., Trofimova V.V., Dobrynina Ye.P., Streletz I.E. Russian political elite: analysis from the perspective of the human capital concept. – Polis. Political Studies. 2010. No. 4


Presented in the article are the results of the scientific research project whose subject is determined as: “Human Capital of the Russian Political Elite”. Analyzed and exposed in the research project are the political roles, as well as psychological features of their “performers” – at the level of the key Russian political actors, within the framework of the politico-psychological approach.

Content No. 4, 2010

See also:

Palitay I.S.,
The Russian political elite: characteristics and dynamics (based on research materials dating from 2011 to 2021). – Polis. Political Studies. 2022. No4

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Shestopal Ye.B., Winter D., Irkhin Yu.V., Chirikova A.Ye., , , , Kuznetzov I.I., Rogozar-Kolpakova I.I., Streletz I.E., Dobrynina Ye.P., , Trofimova V.V., Pishcheva T.N.,
Political leadership and personality problems. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No2

De Landtsheer C., Hollander Sh., Maene P.,
Brexit and Political Personality: The Psychological Profiles of Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No6

Zorin V.A.,
Models of Russian presidents political leadership. – Polis. Political Studies. 2010. No4

Egorova-Gantman E.V.,
Despite the Disbelief. The Story of Russian Political Psychology. – Polis. Political Studies. 2018. No4

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