Gender structures of the memory of «Soviet realias» in the disciplinary extent of Russia’s socium
For citation:
Zavershinskaya N.A. Gender structures of the memory of «Soviet realias» in the disciplinary extent of Russia’s socium . – Polis. Political Studies. 2010. No. 5
The theme disclosed in the article is: the influence of the gender factor on the functioning of collective and group forms of memory. The article reveals the necessity to critically reconsider official androcentric versions of history. In connection with the subject thus designed, particular features of the interpretations of the Soviet past in the post-Soviet poster art are analyzed; it is, besides, attempted to outline the gender codes of interpreting the Soviet history and the post-Soviet present of Russia, the vectors of her movement into the future.
Content No. 5, 2010
See also:
De Vreede E.,
Culture, civilization and identity. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No5
Smorgunov L.V.,
Political identity and the concept of the political. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No6
Alekseyeva T.A.,
Strategic culture: evolution of the concept. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No5
Korotetskaya L.V.,
Particular features of the intellectual patriotic discourse in Germany of the 1990s. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No1
Baykov A.A.,
Ideological component in the evolution of European Union. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No1