So different Russias. Part I

So different Russias. Part I

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal

Pantin I.K.,

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), chief researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Russia,

Fedotova V.G.,

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor, Chief Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences,

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Aliev M.G.,

Verjaskina V.P.,

Khakimov G.A., khakimov@binghamton. edu

Vlasova V.B.,

Rubric: Russia today

For citation:

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Pantin I.K., Fedotova V.G., Aliev M.G., Verjaskina V.P., Khakimov G.A., Vlasova V.B. So different Russias. Part I . – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No. 2


The Round Table, which, by the end of the past year, gathered, among the rest, leading investigators of socio-cultural aspects of modernization from the RAN Institute of Philosophy, was engaged in analyzing particularities and problems of today’s stage of Russian modernization. The participants concentrated their primary attention on the factor of regional differences and heterogeneities of the development in modern Russia, on problems of studying, modelling, and conceptualizing them.

Russia; modernization; culture; development; regions; socio-cultural differences; human capital; capitalization.

Content No. 2, 2013

See also:

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Fedotova N.N., Sizemskaya I.N., Kanarsh G.Yu., Dmitriyev A.V., Korolev S.A., Kolpakov V.A., Petrenko N.S., Shabanov D.S., Oleynikov Ju.V., Kuznetsov D.A., Lamajaa Ch.K., Chugrov S.V.,
So different Russias. Part II. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No3

Glinchikova A.G.,
Democratic modernization and national culture. – Polis. Political Studies. 2010. No6

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal, Galkin A.A., Nikovskaya L.I., Krasin Yu.A., Pantin V.I., Veber A.B., Danilevich I.V., Podyachev K.V., Patrushev S.V., Fadeyeva L.A., Kuryukin A.N., Glukhova A.V., Lapkin V.V.,
Theory and politics of innovative development and the innovations in politics. – Polis. Political Studies. 2010. No2

Zarubina N.N., Kravchenko S.A.,
“New barbarism” in a civilizational perspective: impact on human capital. – Polis. Political Studies. 2022. No1

Kulpin E.S.,
The globalizing world and political modernization. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No3

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