Donald Trump and “New Populism” in America
Shakleina T.A.,
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University), Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 476821 |
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2021.05.12
Shakleina T.A. Donald Trump and “New Populism” in America. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No. 5.
The emergence of Donald Trump in American political life was an unpleasant surprise for the mainstream elite, even though it could have been predicted. Unresolved domestic problems had been steadily growing and aggravating. The political elite, expert community, and mass media had already started an anti-Trump campaign in 2016 that turned into political war. Its peak happened in November 2019 when procedure of impeachment was initiated in the House of Representatives, and was continued in 2021 after Trump left office. The collective monograph “Trump Phenomenon”, prepared in INION RAS by a group of well-known specialists in American and international studies, and edited by A. Kuznetsov, a well-known Russian scholar and member correspondent of the Russian academy of sciences, presents a profound inter-disciplinary analysis of contemporary America (7 parts, 37 chapters). The United States remains a superpower, and its global offensive policy exerts visible influence on the course of world development and world order formation. The authors analyze the domestic and foreign policies of the United States during the Trump administration, the social and economic situation, aspects of American political culture, the phenomenon of new populism, and Trump as its manifestation. Debates about Trump will continue. Questions of primary interest are: “How could it happen that a non-systemic candidate emerged in presidential elections and won them with the support of practically 50% of Americans?”; “Why did the mainstream American liberal elite react so outrageously to the results of the elections?”; “Will political crises continue, and what impact could it have on relations with Russia?”. Answers to these important questions, and many other questions related to them, can be found in the book.
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