Polis. Political Studies
Malakhov V.S.
Dr. Sc. (Polit. Sci.), Director of the Centre for Political Theory and Applied Political Science, RANEPA
elibrary_id: 223604
Articles in journal:
Malakhov V.S.
Letnyakov D.E.
Colonial analogy: on the use and abuse of the post-colonial studies language in the post-Soviet context (¹ 6 2023)
Malakhov V.S.
Letnyakov D.E.
The collapse of hegemonial normality: migration and the politics of memory in the U.S., UK and France (¹ 1 2023)
Malakhov V.S.
Letnyakov D.E.
Religious Politics of Post-Soviet States: Between Path Dependence and Governmentality (¹ 4 2021)
Malakhov V.S.
Kascian K.
The EU’s Migration Dilemma: Legal and Political Dimensions (¹ 4 2020)
Malakhov V.S.
Letnyakov D.E.
Shimmering Secularism: Religion in Russian Public Space (¹ 1 2020)
Malakhov V.S.
Immigrants as social agents: allochtones and autochtones (¹ 1 2015)
Malakhov V.S.
Immigration regimes in Western States and in Russia: the political theory aspects. Part II (¹ 4 2010)
Malakhov V.S.
Immigration regimes in the states of the West and in Russia: the political theory aspects. Part I (¹ 3 2010)
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