Polis. Political Studies

Lapkin V.V.

E-mail: vvlh@politstudies.ru
Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Leading Researcher, Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, First Deputy Editor‑in‑Chief, Polis. Political Studies. Moscow, Russia

Vladimir Lapkin (born 1954), first deputy eitor-in-chief, Polis. Political Studies (since 2007) is an expert in comparative politics, political modernization, political sociology, political identity, political processes in modern Russia.

  • Leading Researcher, Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (since 2008).
  • Principal Researcher, Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (1997-2008).
  • Principal Researcher, Institute of Sociological Analysis (September 1996 September 1997).
  • Principal Researcher (October 1994 September 1996), Analytical Centre, Public Opinion Foundation
  • Researcher (August 1993 October 1994), Analytical Centre, Public Opinion Foundation

Key publications:

I. Monographs

  1. Pantin V.I., Lapkin V.V. Istoricheskoe prognozirovanie v XXI veke: Tsikly Kondrateva, evolyutsionnye tsikly i perspektivy mirovogo razvitiya [Historical Forecasting in the 21st century: Kondratieff Cycles, Evolutionary Cycles and Prospect of the World Development]. Dubna: Phoenix+. 2014. 456 p.
  2. Lapkin V.V. Politicheskaya modernizatsiya Rossii v kontekste globalnykh izmenenii [Political Modernization in Russia in the Context of Global Changes]. Moscow: IMEMO RAN. 2012. 140 p.
  3. Pantin V.I., Lapkin V.V. Filosofiya istoricheskogo prognozirovaniya: Ritmy istorii i perspektivy mirovogo razvitiya v pervoi polovine XXI veka [Philosophy of Historical Forecasting: Rhythms of History and Prospects of the World Development in the First Half of the 21st Century]. Dubna: Phoenix+. 2014. 448 p.
  4. Lapkin V.V., Pantin V.I. Geoekonomicheskaya politika i globalnaya politicheskaya istoriya [Geoeconomic Politics and Global Political History]. Moscow: Olita. 2004. 280 p.

II. Scientific articles, chapters in collective monographs and collected works:

More than 150 scientific articles and chapters.

  1. Lapkin V.V., Pantin V.I. Crisis of the Ukrainian Statehood: Political and Legal, Valuable and Geoeconomic Aspects. Polis. Political Studies. 2014. No 5. P. 68-89.
  2. Lapkin V.V. Krizis kak motiv pereosmysleniya sovremennogo razvitiya [Crisis as a Motive for Rethinking the Modern Development]. Politicheskie izmeneniya v globalnom mire: teoretiko-metodologicheskie problemy analiza i prognozirovaniya. Nauchnaya monografiya / Redkollegiya I.S. Semenenko (otv. red.), V.V. Lapkin, V.I. Pantin [Political Change in a Global World: Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Analysis and Forecasting (ed. by. I.S. Semenenko, V.V. Lapkin, V.I. Pantin)]. Moscow: IMEMO RAN. 2014. P. 38-53.
  3. Lapkin V.V. Modernizatsiya v globalnom kontekste: povestka dnya dlya Rossii [Modernization in a Global Context: an Agenda for Russia]. Globalnyi mir: k novym modelyam natsionalnogo i regionalnogo razvitiya. Nauchnaya monografiya: v 2 t. / Redkollegiya: I.S. Semenenko (otv. red.), N.V. Zagladin, V.V. Lapkin, V.I. Pantin [A Global World: Emerging Models of National and Regional Development. In 2 vols. Ed. by .S. Semenenko, N.V. Zagladin, V.V. Lapkin, V.I. Pantin]. Moscow: IMEMO RAN. 2014. P. 173-190.
  4. Semenenko I.S., Lapkin V.V. Chelovek XXI veka: v poiskakh novoi identichnosti [Human of the 21st Century: In Search of a New Identity]. Globalnaya perestroika / Otv. red. akad. A.A. Dynkin, akad. N.I. Ivanova [Global Perestroika (ed. by A.A. Dynkin, N.I. Ivanova)]. Moscow: Ves Mir Publ. 2014. P. 277-290.
  5. Lapkin V.V., Pantin V.I., Ryabov A.V. Novaya periferiya. Trudnosti postkommunisticheskogo razvitiya [The New Periphery. Asperities of a Post-Communist Development]. Globalnaya perestroika / Otv. red. akad. A.A. Dynkin, akad. N.I. Ivanova [Global Perestroika (ed. by A.A. Dynkin, N.I. Ivanova)]. Moscow: Ves Mir Publ. 2014. P. 185-208.
  6. Lapkin V.V., Semenenko I.S. Homo Politicus vs Challenges of infomodernity. Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No. 6. P. 64-81. (In Russ.)
  7. Lapkin V.V. Modernization and Capitalism: Rethinking Contemporary Political Change. Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No. 6. P. 41-45. (In Russ.)
  8. Lapkin V.V. Modelling of Russian Political History. Introduction to a Theory of Evolutionary Cycles of Autochthnous Development. Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No. 6. P. 33-51. (In Russ.)
  9. Lapkin V.V. Metamorphoses of Identity in the Age of Globalization. POLITEX. 2011. No. 2. P. 25-41.

elibrary_id: 43429 | ORCID: 0000-0002-0775-2630 | RESEARCHER_ID: AAB-9386-2021

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