Polis. Political Studies
Pantin I.K.

E-mail: i.pantin@mail.ru
Dr. Sci. (Philos.), chief researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Russia
Dr. Sci. (Philos.), 1976 («Socialist Thought in Russia: the transition from Utopia to Science» Moscow, "Politizdat", 1973 Moscow State University), Professor (1977).
Chief Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, RAS (since 2008).
Head of the Sector for History of Political Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, RAS (2001-2008)
Editor-in-Chief, Political Director, “Polis. Political Studies” journal (1989-2001)
Head of Department for the Theory of the Revolutionary Movement, Institute of International Labor Movement, UdSSR Academy of Sciences (1979-1989)
Head of Philosophy and Scientific Communism Department, the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry (1964 – 1979)
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Politizdat (1960 – 1964)
Editor, Politizdat (1958 – 1960)
Post-Graduate Student, Department of the History of Russian Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1954 – 1957)
Student, Faculty of Philosophy, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1949 – 1954).
Research projects
Antinomy of freedom and equality in political philosophy (1993 – 1994).
Socialism is a term of post-industrialism (1998 – 1999).
European political thought in the 19th century (2004 – 2005)
Key monographs, collective works and articles in the recent years:
- Russian revolution: political and philosophical interpretation of events / / Alternatives, 2011, ¹ 2 (the article).
- Russian revolution as a problem of political philosophy / / Polis, 2011, ¹ 5 (the article).
Socialist Thought in Russia: the transition from Utopian and Science (the monograph). – Moscow, 1973.
Methodological problems in the history of philosophy and social thought (the collective work) – Moscow, 1977.
Lenin as a political thinker (the collective work) – Moscow, 1980.
The revolutionary tradition in Russia (the monograph in co-authored) – Moscow, 1986.
Socialism is a term of post-industrialism (the collective work) – Moscow, 1999.
From the absolute of freedom to the romanticism of equality. From the history of political philosophy (the collective work) – Moscow, 1999.
The drama of Russian reforms and revolutions (the monograph in co-authored) – Moscow, 2000.
Russia and the world: the historical self-recognition (the monograph) – Moscow, 2000.
Fates of democracy in Russia (the monograph) – Moscow, 2004.
European political thought of the XIX century (the collective work) – Moscow, Science, 2008
Articles in journal: