Rubrics List
Articles in Rubric:
No 5-1999
Pastukhov V.B.
The Power and Society in the Field of Elections, or Zero-Sum Games
No 2-1999
Titov K.A.
Pragmatism in Politics and the Prospects for the Development of Political Science
No 1-1999
Torkunov A.V.
Professionalism in Politics as an Educational Task
No 6-1995
Busygina I.M.
Post-Modernism in Moscow .
No 5-1995
Batalov Ye.Ya.
The Political - The _Too Human_
No 3-1995
Gorbachev M.S.
To the Decennium of Perestroika: Foreign Policy, 1985-1995
No 4-1992
Sorokin K.E.
Russia's Interests and Disarmament
Shapiro Ien
Democracy and Civil Society
No 1-1992
Pastukhov V.B.
Russia's Democratic Movement: the Way to Power
Dragunsky D.V.
The Long Waves of History and Political Power Dynamics
Manson P.
Two Ways to Socialism: Two Impasses?
No 6-1991
Nalimov V.V.
Culture Going through Mutation: Some Observations and Free Thoughts Thereby
Lipset S.
No Third Way: A Comparative Perspective on the Left
No 5-1991
Moiseyev N.N.
Levikov A.A.
Pavlovsky Yu.N.
Cherevkov K.V.
A New Volute of the Armaments Race Spiral or New Mentality
Lipset S.
No Third Way: A Comparative Perspective on the Left
No 4-1991
Vasilchuk Yu.A.
Civil Society of the Epoch of Scientific and Technological Revolution
Davydov Yu.N.
Totalitarianism and Technology (Power of Technics and Technology of Power)
No 3-1991
Mushakoji K.
Political and Cultural Background of Conflicts and Global Governance
Moiseyev N.N.
Is It Possible Today to Outline the Future?
Levin I.B.
The Fate and the Lessons of the _Historic Compromise_
Olshansky D.V.
Transformation of Human Consciousness
No 2-1991
Vasilchuk Yu.A.
Property Relations and Rights in the epoch of Scientific and Technological Revolution: the Score of Changes
Pellicani L.
Preconditions of Economic Development: the Soviet Case
Tishkov V.A.
Nationality: Communist? (Ethno-Political Analysis of the CPSU)
No 1-1991
Dragunsky D.V.
Tzymbursky V.L.
Genotype of European Civilization
Vasilchuk Yu.A.
The Epoch of Scientific and Technological Revolution: the Scale of Changes
Shin I.A.
Phenomenon of New Industrial Countries: Correlation of Economy and Politics
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