Subdiscipline: Studies of the public politics
Rubrics List
Articles in Rubric:
Subdiscipline: Studies of the public politics
No 3-2011
Belyayeva N.Yu.
Evolution of the concept of public policy: attention for «motive forces» and for governing entities
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Kakabadze Sh.Sh.
Zaytzev D.G.
Zvyagina D.G.
Karastelyov V.G.
The institution of civil participation: checking up by the entities activity
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Sukhorukov A.S.
Subjectivist entitativity of regional analytical communities: criteria, stages of formation, and conditions (with Republic of Karelia as an example)
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Picci L.
Governing system, based on reputation, and «legibility» of the state for the citizens
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