Theme of the issue: new media and politics
Rubrics List
Articles in Rubric:
Theme of the issue: new media and politics
No 5-2022
Chugrov S.V.
Cancel culture in world politics: historical and philosophical roots
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Artamonov D.S
Tikhonova S.V.
Memory policy on the Internet memes: from visualization of history to fakes
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Zuykina K.L.
Telegram channels in the electoral battle: the peculiarities of civic activism development in the context of Belarus’s political crisis in 2020
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Timofeyeva L.N.
Ryabchenko N.A.
Malysheva O.P.
Gnedash A.A.
The digital socio-political agenda: theoretical model tested on the Russian case “Coronavirus-2020”
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Volodenkov S.V.
Fedorchenko S.N.
The peculiarities of the subjectness phenomenon in the context of contemporary technological transformations
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