Polis. Political Studies

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Analytical Report by the Institute of Sociology, RAS
 Russia’s national security in experts eyes
No 3, 2011

Analytical Report by the Institute of Sociology, RAS
 Twenty years of reforms as perceived by Russians
No 6, 2011

Arbatov A.G.
 Nuclear reloading and international security
No 3, 2011


Belyayeva N.Yu.
 Evolution of the concept of public policy: attention for «motive forces» and for governing entities
No 3, 2011

Bespalov S.V.
 Prospects of realization of Russia’s geopolitical interests on the post-soviet space
No 2, 2011

Bocharov V.V.
 Russian power in politico-anthropological perspective
No 6, 2011

Bogaturov A.D.
 Conception ofeconomic political science and specificities of its subjest field in Russia
No 4, 2011

Bolshakov A.G.
 Problematic statehood in the epoch of global crisis of national sovereignty
No 5, 2011

Bolshakov I.V.
 The culture of russian political actors: a variant of typology
No 5, 2011

Bondarenko S.V.
 Particularities of the formation and of the functioning of «electronic democracy» sites
No 5, 2011

Bukreyeva O.V.
 Image of the russian power and of political leaders in the conceptual space of demotivation posters
No 5, 2011

Bykov I.A.
 Digital divide and the Internet-users political preferences in Russia
No 5, 2011


De Landtsheer C.
 The role of a personality in politics (with the EU as example)
No 2, 2011

Dergunova N.V.
 Municipal reform in the Ulyanovsk region: results, problems, prospects (2000 - 2008)
No 4, 2011

Dzarasov R.S.
 The crisis of capitalism and the order of society in new Russia
No 4, 2011


Fadeyeva L.A.
 The problem of identity in modern comparative political science
No 1, 2011

Fedotova V.G.
 Sociologists on russian modernization
No 5, 2011

Fokin V.Yu.
 Political practice of the state–private partnership in Russia
No 4, 2011


Gallarotti G.M.
 The power curse: the paradox of power in world politics
No 3, 2011

Grachev G.A.
 On the assessment of political stability on the basis of results of voting at the elections
No 5, 2011


Ilyin M.V.
 Annular model of the global geopolitical expanse
No 2, 2011

Iordansky V.B.
 Contradictory nature of nationalism
No 6, 2011

Isayev B.A.
 Geopolitics: classical and modern
No 2, 2011


Kakabadze Sh.Sh.
 The institution of civil participation: checking up by the entities activity
No 3, 2011

Kasamara V.A.
 Image of Russia in the discourse of political elite and of the homeless
No 4, 2011

Khatuntzev S.V.
 Limitrophes – intercivilizational expanses of the old and new worlds
No 2, 2011

Kholodkovskii K.G.
 Mechanism of cyclic recurrence in Russia
No 6, 2011

Kochetkov A.P.
 Authority and elites in a global information society
No 5, 2011

Kostyushev V.V.
 Social protest within the politics field. Potential, repertoire, discourse (experience of theoretical interpretation and of empirical verification)
No 4, 2011

Kradin N.N.
 Prospects of political anthropology
No 6, 2011

Krestinina Ye.S.
 Image of «the Other» in the structure of modern identity of russian society
No 4, 2011


Lapkin V.V.
 Modelling of russian political history. Introduction to a theory of evolutionary cycles of autochthnous development
No 6, 2011

Lukin A.V.
 Economic policy in post-soviet Russia and the russian history
No 4, 2011

Lukin A.V.
 «Chinese threat» and duality of consciousness
No 6, 2011


MacKinder. H.J.
 Democratic ideals and reality
No 2, 2011

Makarenko B.I.
 Post-soviet party of power: the «United Russia» in a comparative context
No 1, 2011

Mamonov M.V.
 Information policy and the changing of public opinion
No 5, 2011

Melville A.Yu.
 Conditions of democracy and limits of democratization. Factors of regime changes in post-communist countries: an experience of comparative and multidimensional statistical analysis
No 3, 2011

Mironov B.N.
 The early 20th century russian revolutions: the lessons for the present
No 5, 2011

Morozov V.Ye.
 Security as a form of political issues: on securitization and politicization
No 3, 2011

Morozova E.V.
 Net communities on emergency occasions: new possibilities for the citizens and for authorities
No 1, 2011


Nazarchuk A.V.
 The concept of deliberative policy in modern political process
No 5, 2011

Nezhdanov D.V.
 «Political market» as system-forming metaphor of modern political-science discourse
No 4, 2011

Nikovskaya L.I.
 Regional public policy in Russia: types, subjects, institutions and modern challenges
No 1, 2011

Nisnevich Yu.A.
 Civil control as mechanism of counteracting corruption: problems of realization in Russia
No 1, 2011

Nisnevich Yu.A.
No 6, 2011


Oznobishchev S.K.
 The new world and Russia NATO relations
No 3, 2011


Pantin I.K.
 Russian revolution as a problem of political philosophy
No 5, 2011

Pantin V.I.
 Cycles of reforms – counter-reforms in Russia and their correlation with cycles of the world development
No 6, 2011

Pastukhov V.B.
 «Perestroika» – second round
No 1, 2011

Pastukhov V.B.
 The demon of law. Russian law as escaping reality
No 2, 2011

Pastukhov V.B.
 Prodrome of civil war. From «nomenclature» to «kleptoclature»
No 6, 2011

Patrushev S.V.
 The cliquocratical order as institutional trap for the russian modernization
No 6, 2011

Peregudov S.P.
 National-state identity and the problems of the russian state’s consolidation
No 3, 2011

Picci L.
 Governing system, based on reputation, and «legibility» of the state for the citizens
No 3, 2011

Pishcheva T.N.
 Political images: problems of investigation and of interpretation
No 2, 2011

Pivovarov Yu.S.
 «...And the age in a mess»
No 6, 2011

Polyakov L.V.
 Russians electoral behaviour
No 6, 2011


Repnikov A.V.
 K. Leontyev, philosopher of russian conservatism
No 3, 2011

Rimsky V.L.
 Universal and corruptionist norms of interactions in russian politics
No 4, 2011

Rodionov V.A.
 Mongolia we never knew
No 4, 2011

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal
 The changing sociality: outlines of the future
No 1, 2011

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal
 Political leadership and personality problems
No 2, 2011

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal
 Russian liberalism and christian values
No 3, 2011

Round Table of the «Polis» Journal
 Moisey Ostrogorski and traditions of political science
No 4, 2011

Rozov N.S.
 The specificity of «russian power» as determined by mental structures, by ritual practices, and by institutions
No 1, 2011

Rutland P.
 The presence of absence: ethnicity policy in Russia
No 2, 2011


Samarkina I.V.
 Leaders of states after passing the top of their political career: factors, determining roles, and professional trajectories
No 1, 2011

Semenenko I.S.
 «Thy laws in distances of years...». On the experience of conceptualization of russian history
No 6, 2011

Shaparov A.Ye.
 The granting of suffrage to aliens: tendencies and practices
No 1, 2011

Shestopal Ye.B.
 Political agenda of russian power and its perception by citizens
No 2, 2011

Shestopal Ye.B.
 The state and the citizen: tragedy or drama?
No 6, 2011

Skalnik P.
 The state and the anthropologies of the state
No 6, 2011

Smorgunov L.V.
 Political event analysis and its significance for modern comparative political studies
No 1, 2011

Solovyov A.I.
 Latent structures of the state rule, or the play of shadows upon the face of the authority
No 5, 2011

Sukhorukov A.S.
 Subjectivist entitativity of regional analytical communities: criteria, stages of formation, and conditions (with Republic of Karelia as an example)
No 3, 2011


Teterin A.Ye.
 Application of qualitative methods in political-science research (with N.Fairclough’s critical discourse-analysis as example)
No 5, 2011

Turovsky R.F.
 Subnational regions in global politics
No 2, 2011

Tzymbursky V.L.
 Speak, memory!
No 2, 2011


Vafin A.M.
 Political marginality: theoretical and practical aspects
No 4, 2011

Voronkova O.A.
 Russian establishment: ways and methods of renewal
No 1, 2011


Winter D.
 A King-philosopher or a contradictory politician?
No 2, 2011


Yevdokimov V.A.
 Interactivity as quality of public politics
No 5, 2011


Zagladin N.V.
 Russian education at the crossroads
No 6, 2011

Zakirova L.I.
 Political aspects of the state of US economy and finance and the US-Russian economic relations by a new electoral cycle
No 4, 2011



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