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Akhremenko A.S.
Institutional Possibility Frontier and Total Factor Productivity: Towards a Theoretical SynthesisNo 6, 2016Alekseyeva T.A.
What Is Happening to the Theory of International RelationsNo 1, 2016Alekseyeva T.A.
The Debates about “Great Debates”: How to Structure the Theory of International RelationsNo 6, 2016Andreyev A.L.
“Soft Power”: Arrangement of Senses, Russian StyleNo 5, 2016Arbatov A.G.
It Did Not Work and Will Not Work? On the Reasons of the Failure of Anti-Missile Cooperation
Between Russia and the United StatesNo 2, 2016B
Bardin A.L.
The Problem of Migration in German Academic DiscourseNo 6, 2016Bolshova N.N.
The Rise of Anti-Islamic Protests in Europe under the Refugee Crisis (Case of “Pegida” Movement in Germany)No 3, 2016Brown A.
Political Leadership and Political PowerNo 1, 2016Buldakov V.P.
Russian Multi-party System: Illusions of the Past, the Chimera of ContemporaneityNo 4, 2016Buzgalin A.V.
Russia: New Imperialist Power?No 1, 2016C
Chernysh M.F.
Factors of Emergence and Reproduction of Inter-ethnic Tension in Theoretical PerspectiveNo 5, 2016Chugrov S.V.
Is There a Non-Western Political Science? (Political Theory by Takashi Inoguchi)No 4, 2016Chugrov S.V.
Russian Politics through Prism of Sociological MeasurementsNo 5, 2016E
Editorial Introduction
Russian Political Science Association Congratulates Vladimir Savelyevich KomarovskyNo 4, 2016Editorial Introduction
Presenting this IssueNo 5, 2016Evgenyeva T.V.
Soviet Past in Value, Image and Symbolic Space of Russian IdentityNo 3, 2016G
Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
Political Science Facing the Challenges of Modern Politics. To the 60th Anniversary of RPSA / SPSANo 1, 2016Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
Integration Processes in the Focus of Andrey Baykov’s ResearchNo 2, 2016Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
Reality and Myths of Modern Russian Political CultureNo 3, 2016Grigorieva E.I.
Once Again on Ethics of Scientific Publications No 5, 2016I
Ilyin M.V.
“Flaky Pastry” of Politics: Recipes and ImprovisationsNo 1, 2016K
Kamalova R.U.
Evaluation of Power Distribution among the European Political Groups in the European Parliament in 1979-2014No 4, 2016Karelova L.B.
Experience of the Cultural and Civilizational Approach to the Problem of Modenization in the Studies of V. Fedotova and its Heuristic PotentialNo 6, 2016Karyagin M.E.
Contemporary Russian Political Science Community – the First Steps to the AnalysisNo 2, 2016Kliucharev G.A.
Some “Lessons” of Theory and Practice of Civic EducationNo 1, 2016Kochetkov A.P.
Some Features of Civil Society Development in AsiaNo 2, 2016Korotayev A.V.
Arab Spring as a Global Phase Transition TriggerNo 3, 2016Kravchenko S.A.
Problem of Trust in Scientific Knowledge: Risks and Ways to Overcome ThemNo 5, 2016Kuchinov A.M.
Approaches and Methods for Survey of Texts and Discourse in Political Science: Classification Experience No 5, 2016L
Lapkin V.V.
Problems of Nation Building in Multi-ethnic Post-Soviet Societies: Ukrainian Case in Comparative PerspectiveNo 4, 2016Lebedeva M.M.
State Archaization: the Role of Information TechnologiesNo 6, 2016Linetsky A.I.
Economic Development Impact of Political Institutions: a Mechanism of InfluenceNo 2, 2016M
Malinova O.Yu.
Rhetoric of Political Leaders as an Indicator of Significance of the Other: Comparative Analysis of References to the USA and PRC in the Context of Legitimization of Political Course of the Russian Presidents (2000-2015)No 2, 2016Malinova O.Yu.
The Official Historical Narrative as a Part of Identity Policy of the Russian State: From the 1990s to the 2000sNo 6, 2016Martyanov V.S.
Russian Political Regime in the Rent-estate PerspectiveNo 4, 2016Mchedlova M.M.
Sociocultural Meanings of Politics: New Logic of Interpretation and Religious ReferencesNo 1, 2016Mchedlova M.M.
Destiny of Man and Fate of Society: 25 Years in TransitNo 5, 2016Meshcheryakov A.N.
Russia and Japan in Embrace of Space and TimeNo 3, 2016Mitropolitski S.
Interpretative Approach Towards Voting Behavior. Evidence from RussiaNo 4, 2016N
Neklessa A.I.
Babilon Aeris. Hybrid World and Syrian MazeNo 3, 2016Nikitin A.I.
New System of Relations between Great Powers for the XXI Century: “Concert” or Confrontation?No 1, 2016Nikovskaya L.I.
Institutional Development of Cross-sectoral Partnership in Russia No 5, 2016Nisnevich Yu.A.
Modern Authoritarianism and Political IdeologyNo 4, 2016O
Oznobishchev S.K.
“The New Cold War”: Reminiscences about the FutureNo 1, 2016P
Pankevich N.V.
Local Self-Government Within the State GovernanceNo 2, 2016Patrushev S.V.
Mass Politics: Essay of Institutional ReconceptualizationNo 2, 2016Patrushev S.V.
On the Addressees of Political KnowledgeNo 5, 2016Petrov S.I.
Fundamental Research on the Status and Prospects of the Russian Political ScienceNo 5, 2016Petukhov V.V.
The Crisis Reality and Prospects of Political Transformation of the Russian SocietyNo 5, 2016Polyakov L.V.
The Ontology of Russian Destiny: to Keep Forever?No 3, 2016Pomiguev I.A.
The Council of the State Duma: Real Veto Player or a Technical Executive?No 2, 2016Prokhorenko I.L.
Ethnopolitical Conflict and Politics of Identity in Latin AmericaNo 4, 2016Prokhorenko I.L.
Possibilities of Spatial Approach in Analysis of Ethnopolitical ConflictsNo 6, 2016R
Rozov N.S.
Neopatrimonial Regimes: Diversity, Dynamics, and Prospects for DemocratizationNo 1, 2016Rutland P.
Russia’s Post-Soviet EliteNo 3, 2016S
Sadovaja E.S.
Socio-economic Factors of Ethnopolitical ConflictNo 4, 2016Sakwa R.
The Crisis of World Order: Russia’s Impasse and ResistanceNo 6, 2016Satarov G.A.
Trust as an Object of Political Sociology. Part INo 1, 2016Satarov G.A.
Trust as an Object of Political Sociology. Part IINo 2, 2016Semenenko I.S.
Identity Politics and Identities in Politics: Interethnic Perspectives in a European ContextNo 4, 2016Semenenko I.S.
Classifying Ethnic Conflicts: Challenges for Political Theory and MethodologyNo 6, 2016Sergeev V.M.
Indicators of Innovative Potential of Political and Economic DevelopmentNo 6, 2016Sharkov F.I.
Visualization of Political Media SpaceNo 5, 2016Shestopal Ye.B.
Images of EU in Russia: Problem of PerceptionNo 3, 2016Sheynis V.L.
Constitutional Court in the Twists of Russian HistoryNo 3, 2016Shvyrkov A.I.
Theory, Discourse and Political RealityNo 5, 2016Simonia N.A.
The Impact of Geopolitical Factors on International Energy Markets (the US Case)No 2, 2016Solovyov A.I.
The State as Manufacturer of PolicyNo 2, 2016Stepanyants M.T.
In Search of National Model of Development: Appealing to ArchaizationNo 6, 2016T
Tev D.B.
Federal Administrative Elite of Russia: Career Paths and Channels of RecruitmentNo 4, 2016Tikhonova S.V.
Social Networks: Problems of Internet SocializationNo 3, 2016Toloraya G.D.
Nuclear and Missile Threat on the Korean Peninsula: Origins and Response MeasuresNo 4, 2016Topychkanov A.V.
History of Concepts as Political Science Discipline (On Publication of Russian Translation îf “Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe”)No 3, 2016Y
Yanitsky O.N.
Social Change and GovernanceNo 5, 2016Yazhborovskaya I.S.
Poland 2015-2016. Chronicle of Neoauthoritarian Revanche No 5, 2016Yerokhov I.A.
The Revolution, Which Will Never Happen AgainNo 6, 2016Z
Zverev A.L.
Specifics of Political Perception in Contemporary RussiaNo 3, 2016